Your Small Business Needs A Website? You Have Options!

Your Small Business Needs A Website? You have options!

You’ve read the signs (or have you? read: 5 Intuitive signs that your small business needs a website) and you are ready to launch your business online! But how? And where do you start? You actually have more options than you think:


This will be your cheapest option and can best if you’re like myself and love to learn new things and diy doesn’t scare you!

You will be paying for only your subscription with a website provider & your ideal domain, which generally comes out to $150-200 annually.

Not bad, right? Welllll, there is a caveat to consider:

Expect to spend a lot of unanticipated time learning to build your website, strategically set up your website, managing it, and designing your website.

This is not to scare or intimidate you, but if you don’t have the extra time to spare and are looking for an effortless website that aligns with your business brand and speaks to your ideal client QUICKLY, this may not be the direction for you.

If this is you, awesome! That journey of many articles and hours of YouTube led me to where I am as a designer today, it may not be right for everyone, but it has transformed my journey tremendously for the better!

Save time with Website Templates

Another option is to use Website Templates, like this template here!

I wish these were around when I first went to create a website for my first blog years ago. It is especially great for the DIYers who still want to save some time and get a good foundation while building their website.

You pay for a website template that is pre-designed, and set up for you to easily customize and launch.

Our templates also come with design guides and tutorials to get the most out of your template!

Hire a Web Designer

The easiest and most efficient option will be hiring a web designer.

You pay them for their time and expertise to build you a website that is supposed to make you money.

A web designer is not just making you look good, but they are taking in every facet of your brand and the long-term strategy that will uniquely attract and be attractive to your ideal clients.

This option looks spendy initially, but keep in mind that any of these directions are going to be an investment.

This is the one that will probably pay you back a lot faster, and leave you feeling confident that your website represents your business and services.

Hire Us!

If you are ready to bring your website online, let’s chat!


Landing Page or Sales Page? Which does your website need?


5 Intuitive Signs That Your Small Business Is Ready For A Website!