5 Intuitive Signs That Your Small Business Is Ready For A Website!

If you’re like me, and most small business owners, you may have done some research already—and Google has a million vague answers and suggestions.

Here are 5 intuitive signs that your Small Business is already telling You that it’s ready for a website. Because you already know or at least intuitively know when it’s time for an update or to invest in an asset, such as a website:

# 1: Getting asked: “Do You Have A Website?”

You share about your small business with a friend, stranger, or family member, and they ask:

“Do you have a website?” or “Can I read more about your services on your website?”

As time goes on when running a business, especially as a smaller business in the service industry, this question becomes more and more frequent and common.

Some may be satisfied with finding you on social media, but generally, depending on your business, a website establishes an unconscious credibility for most people, especially if you don’t personally know them and who are interested in what you have to offer.

This is the first early sign that a website might be right for your small business to connect with your ideal customers and clients.

# 2: You have multiple services and options in your business.

If you are finding it hard to easily communicate your services and options to an interested customer or new client, it might be time for a website.

A website does all of the talking for you, saves you time answering frequently asked questions, and gives them the ease of browsing and choosing for themselves when to connect with you, in a way that suits both of you best.

# 3: You want to reach a higher-paying clientele for your premium services.

Remember the first sign? Sending an interested client or customer to a fresh and beautiful website expresses an effort to put to rest the question of whether your business is credible.

If you are selling high-end, premium services, the clientele that wants to invest in those services wants some assurance that they can trust you with their hard-earned money, as well as what to expect of the experience when working with you.

# 4: Your DM’s and inbox are filling up and your schedule is in high demand.

While having those personal conversations is fantastic, answering questions and trying to figure out time slots for services that are in person or over the phone can be exhausting and time-consuming, especially if you are starting to scale your business and services.

A website can communicate who you are, and what you do, AND have a scheduling system set up for future and current clients to schedule with you, on their time, with less of the endless (or what seems like) back-and-forth communication.

(One of my favorite and best investments on my website as a one-on-one service-based business, was setting up Acuity Scheduling!)

# 5: You are ready to expand your reach and find new customers.

A website by itself, is marketing for your business.

It’s also a great place to invite your business’s interested customers and fans to an email list if that’s your chosen strategy, a blog, or both.

A website can be a foundation for fluid marketing strategies and consistency for your loyal customers and clients. A website is also excellent for referrals from past clients and customers, or a cold audience looking for your services online.

Next Steps:

I recommend asking yourself if or how these questions and signs apply to you and your business.

Pairing your intuition, the inevitable knowledge of your business’s unique strengths and pain points, market research, and considering your marketing strategy in the long term, you probably already have everything you need to make an informed decision.

Comment below why you decided to get a website if you already have one and what that journey looked like. Let’s offer some real-life wisdom for our fellow business owners who are still in the process of whether or not to invest in a website!


Your Small Business Needs A Website? You Have Options!


What makes a great website?